Magic FM, London's most listened to radio station, suprisingly has not got much of a social media appearance as other radio stations like Choice FM and Capital FM. I listen to Magic FM almost everyday, as its the only Radio station I play in my car, maybe I'm a bit of an old timer and enjoy a range of music types, but being the biggest radio station in London I would have though that it would have more of a following on their social network accounts.
A few times I have heard their Facebook page being mentioned, so I had a look at it. There is not much to the page and they only have 18, 700 likes. After viewing their page, I realised not once have I listened to Magic FM and their twitter account was mentioned, so I was not surprised that it only had 2009 followers, a very smal amount compared to Choice FM's, 43, 247. Could this be that Choice is more aimed for the younger crowd and they attracted are more to using social media as a way of making contact and staying connected, or that Magic has made no effort to enhance their audience by implementing social networking to their shows.
I think that Magic FM would need to make some changes and take the opportunity to network with publics of all generations, as they aim more for the maturer listeners. Even though its a little bit different that I choose to listen to the station, the younger generation (my generation), would one day be that 'mature' publics, leaving Magic FM with a networking issue.